While we here at WPProAtoZHost.com endeavor to provide the best email experience we can it is becoming more and more difficult to provide email services. The problems occurs with all the spam lists that exist and the difficulty in remaining off them and also in blocking spam from our servers. We recommend using a professional email service such as G-Suite, Microsoft 365 or OX App Suite. They are affordable these days and would insure your email works the best it can.

If you do opt to use email though our servers be aware that we offer minimum support for it and can only do so much. We also do not support email lists of any sort. While you can use email lists though your website it is recommended to not use the server for sending the emails. Large lists should be managed with a mailing service company Like Mailchimp, Mailpoet, G-Suite, Microsoft 365 or OX App Suite.

Our servers also have Hourly and daily limits on how many emails you may send they are set reasonably high to allow a business to function but not high enough to run a list. When these limits are reached your out going emails may be delayed and/or discarded. These precautions are in place to protect the servers integrity.

If you do opt to use email though our servers be aware that we offer minimum support for it and can only do so much. The video below helps explain email on our servers.

Setting up and managing email can be a bit of a challenge sometimes but we have added some ways to make it easier for you to manage.

If you have additional questions please reach out to us bu submitting a Support Ticket

"Beware of Scam Emails" See this article for more information.


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